Homes For Sale Willow Lakes – Homes For Sale North Aurora
Willow Lakes Subdivision in North Aurora can be found by heading north on Acorn or Juniper Drives from Oak Street. This medium-sized subdivision of detached single-family homes was built between 1991 and 1995 by United Development Homes. Home sizes range from around 1100 to over 2400 square feet. Homes styles in Willow Lakes are mostly two-story homes in the colonial style or ranches but there are also several split-level homes including a popular tri-level floorplan. Willow Lakes home models include the Prairieview, Dogwood, Forestview, Glenwood, Cedarbrook, Redford, Birch and Ashley. This community has been popular with both first-time buyers and move-up buyers. The different floorplans offer lots of options for home buyers that may need more or less space.