Looking for a Home? Ask Mr. Ed!
Two multiple listing services in N Illinois – MLSNI and MAP MLS just merged into the Midwest Real Estate Data LLC or MRED. Realtors have been having fun with the similarity to the horse Mr Ed.
Continue reading →Two multiple listing services in N Illinois – MLSNI and MAP MLS just merged into the Midwest Real Estate Data LLC or MRED. Realtors have been having fun with the similarity to the horse Mr Ed.
Continue reading →Rules for mortgage lenders have changed so many times that home buyers in Illinois are struggling to get financed. Find out some of the troubles facing buyers applying for home loans.
Continue reading →The 2008 spring real estate market is here and Illinois home buyers and home sellers are getting ready for the housing rush. What should you do to prepare to buy or sell in 2008?
Continue reading →Short sales are now common but many homeowners don’t know how they work. Learn some important details about the short sale process and how it can be used to help homeowners in need.
Continue reading →Illinois has started to dry out and this is great news for homes along the Fox River. Find out the latest Fox River conditions and tips on how to protect your home from high water levels.
Continue reading →Illinois home buyers are finding tons of value in the resale housing market. Buyers are turning away from Illinois new construction in favor of discounted prices on resale houses.
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