Homes For Sale Morgan Crossing – Homes For Sale Oswego
Morgan Crossing Subdivision is mixed community of both detached semi-custom homes as well as modern duplexes. Detached homes in Morgan Crossing were built by several builders including King’s Court Builders and Steve Carr Builders between 1998 and 2004. Home styles in Morgan Crossing include mostly two-story homes with at least one single-story ranch floorplan. Morgan Crossing homes are fairly large – ranging from 2100 to over 3000 square feet. Detached home models include The Hogan, Bethany, Jennifer, Judson, Lynden, Seeley, Wheaton and Wilson. Morgan Crossing consists of around 140 detached homes as well as 60 duplex units located in the southwest of the subdivision. All Morgan Crossing duplexes are located off of Chestnut Drive and were built between 2000 and 2001 and range from 1288 to nearly 1600 square feet. Duplex models in Morgan Crossing include the Arlington, Belmont, Churchill and Delmar.